Smokey’s Corner

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Over the next few months you will see this site bloom and blossom. I want to encourage you to stay tuned for truly fantastic imaginations is going to astound you.

Please welcome my new angel and a new addition to our site. Smokey Contemplation Corner. He will occasionally be making a appearance and is eager to get your attention.

Happy New Year!!

Hey hey,

Welcome to the year of 2019. New stories are in coming your way, Fantastic Imaginations are welcoming in the new year with some new poetry and stories that will make you keep coming back for more.

Please join me in the new year by, remembering to let the light inside you shine bright in whatever en-devour you choose.

Fantastic imaginations is wishing you a Happy New Year!!!

Samhain approaches!!!

Hey hey everyone,

I know, I know you are all thinking that I am terrible with making posts and keeping up with my website. You would be right. However as Halloween is this upcoming Wednesday. I have a special treat. A new story will be popping up for ya’ll to enjoy. Please feel free to comment and enjoy!!!!

So keep an eye out for “Beyond the Dark” being released to soon.

New poem and short tales

Hey one and all, as you can see I am absolutely terrible about actually keeping up with my website. Well this is all about to change. I have for you a new poem and a short tales up and ready to be read. I look forward to hearing back from you and I will do better on updating on this thing.

Getting Started

Ok, I am really terrible at using the website that I made and well I have decided to get the ball rolling so to speak and get this website in gear. This summer I am going to put some stories and poems up for you guys to read. I look forward to y’all letting me know what you think and even giving me ideas 🙂 I am always open for  suggestions. I have put up one of my famous short tales and I look forward to hearing what you think 🙂


The Magic of Creatvity

Welcome one and welcome all to Fantastic Imaginations,

If you are visiting this site than leave all forms of reality behind you and get lost in the imagination and creativity. Come and explore with me the unimaginable. Dream, live, love and above all shine. Please enter into this world of mystery and fantasy. There are no limitations.

Allow your mind to experience magic of a world that most people only wish that they could see. Please feel free to look around and take a look at my stories and poems. Most of all tell me what you think of my site. If you have any questions please let me know. I would love to answer them.

This site encourages you to: explore, dream and discover the unseen world.  Please comment, discuss and enjoy!!!